A CBC broadcast I heard about two weeks ago has been scratching at my mind. It was about the environment, possibly climate change, but I can't remember the exact topic. What I do recall--what has caused my itchy thinking--was that an environmental expert responded to a question with an aside to his personal life. For some reason he mentioned he has five children. I hope at least three of them were adopted. He preached conservation, but why would he do so while generating more than his share of carbon at home? More on this to come.
In the interim, could someone please tell me how many children Mel Gibson has.
My Boy Jack [ 2007 }
16 years ago
There is no climate change. It is all, one big lye made up by big business to sell more sun screen, bottled water and gas. So do the planted a favor and go have a dozen kids. After all if there are more people buying these products won’t that bring the price down?
I wouldn't worry about the guy with five kids,wish we had more like him.The population by birth increase for every man and woman in Canada is 1.48.Just to maintain current population levels you need a birthrate increase of 2.1.Europe's birth rate increase is even lower at 1.37.the only country in the Western world with a birthrate of 2.1 is the United States.
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